Command Line

jgvt requries JRE8+ to run. The typical usage is just run the jgvt jar in the git repo directory.

In general, the default memory setting is good enough. jgvt can compute and display a 10K-commit repo tree without requiring additional memory.

Command Line Options

The options are mostly for debugging purposes.

usage: java -jar jgvt.jar [options] [repo directory]
 -b,--branch   list branches
 -d,--debug    print debug messages
 -h,--help     print this message
 -s <arg>      specify the last commit of the main branch
 -t,--tag      list tags

If the repo directory is not specified, the current directory is used.

Shell Script Launcher

exec java -jar jgvt-1.0.0.jar $@ &

Windows Batch Command

@echo off
start /b javaw -jar jgvt-1.0.0.jar %*