
Basic Usage

First, your project pom.xml, there should be cookcc dependency. CookCC Maven plugin searches for this dependency to determine the jar file to use.

        <!-- CookCC is only needed at compile time -->

Then in your pom.xml build plugins, add cookcc-maven-plugin like the following.

                        <task src="src/main/java/test/"/>
                        <task src="src/main/java/test/"/>
                        <task src="src/main/java/test/" lexerAnalysis="true"/>
                        <task src="src/main/java/test/" debug="true"/>

                        <task src="src/main/xcc/Test5.xcc">
                                <option name="-class" value="test.Test5"/>

<source> and <target> are optional. If they are not specified, they are assumed to be 1.8. Ideally, it would be nice to be able to scan maven-compiler-plugin configuration to get the info instead, but I have not figured out how. Please let me know if you know how to do it.

<tasks> is simply a list of <task> tags.

<task> Attributes

Attribute Description
src the input file.
debug If the value is true, it is the same as -debug command line option.
analysis If the value is true, it is the same as -analysis command line option.
lexerAnalysis If the value is true, it is the same as -lexeranalysis command line option.
lexerTable Same as -lexertable command line option.
parserTable Same as -parsertable command line option.
defaultReduce If the value is true, it is the same as -defaultreduce command line option.
public If the value is true, it is the same as -public command line option.
abstract If the value is true, it is the same as -abstract command line option.
extend Same as -extend command line option.

<option> Attributes

<option> tag is used to specify options not mentioned above.

Attribute Description
name option name.
value optional option argument

Run Maven

You can run the following command to run all the CookCC tasks.

mvn clean cookcc:run

In the execution above, by specifying generate-sources phase, when you run the following command, CookCC is also run.

mvn clean package


It is necessary to put clean in the command because it can prevent CookCC from getting the necessary file header and class header comments for the Java files to be re-generated. The reason is that Java Compiler would skip parsing the information if their class files exist.